Infinitas Support Services provides Mental Health and Wellbeing Education, Training and Ongoing support to your organisation and employees. Our services offers multi-levelled support and intervention tailored specific to your workforce. We will work with you to identify what your employees need, and tailor our supports accordingly, rather than a ‘one size fits all approach’.

Companies have a responsibility to keep their workers safe and it is recommended to consider all options when it comes to looking after their employees’ mental health. This can start by partnering with a new and innovative Mental Health service offering tailored access and support to suit the needs of your employees.

Our key objective is to offer your business a 3-tiered support focus; with tailored supports designed to suit the needs of your different focus groups. To accomplish this, we have deigned a correlating 3-tiered model of goals that are easily shaped to suit the needs of your company:


The Infinitas Model has been designed to incorporate 5 different elements of what Mental Health Education, Training and Support should look like in any workforce. The 5 elements play a significant role in equipping staff, leaders and organisations with the right foundation to address mental health challenges effectively. The model covers all key areas of knowledge and skill required for a workforce to have:

  • A better UNDERSTANDING of what Mental Health is,
  • Practical skills in IDENTIFYING small to significant changes/warning signs within their staff and colleagues,
  • Key practical training in RESPONDING
  • MAINTENANCE of knowledge and skills through ongoing education, training and support in the workplace.
  • EXTERNAL SUPPORT through the provision of external therapeutic supports and resources.

© Copyright 2022 Infinitas Support Services Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Using The Infinitas Model to deliver education and training for commercial gain without direct written authorisation from Infinitas Support Services is not permitted.